
International Widgets Code Of Ethics

Decent Essays

Ethics is a term that many people does not understand because there is no set code of ethics that everyone must follow. There is not a “one size fits all” (Pasztor, 2015) when it comes to ethics. A code of ethics determines how employees should act while working for the company. Each company has their own code of ethics that they expect ALL their employees to follow. The employee is supposed to show action that is for the best interest of the employer and clients above their own interests. In John Anderson’s case, he did not follow this, which, resulted in violating the code of ethics. International Widgets Code of Ethics has eight different rules to follow: confidentiality, ethics, duty of care, conflict of interest, intellectual property …show more content…

We extend the same standards to all our customers, suppliers, and associates.” By providing the competitor with the names and phone numbers of the clients, John was in breach of the code of ethics. The customers provided International Widgets the information with the knowledge that it would stay confidential and not be released for outside sources. Ethics states, “We conduct business honestly and honorably and expect our clients and suppliers to do the same. We train our employees to be ethical and expect them to always act in the best interests of International Widgets.” John was not acting in the best interests of International Widgets when he sold the customers information to the competitor. International Widgets will lose business as they lose customers to the competitor and could potentially cause the company to close their …show more content…

Fiduciaries are expected only to pursue the interests of beneficiaries when executing a fiduciary mandate. To that end, the duty of loyalty strictly forbids conflicts of interest and conflicts of duty, on pain of powerful remedies that strip fiduciaries of any gains realized in breach.” (Miller, 2013, p. 972) With this statement, it proves that John was in a fiduciary relationship with International Widget. This relationship John is obligated to be loyal to International Widget and should carry out instructions set forth by International Widget; which, would result in John being controlled by International

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