
Internet Fraud Is Greater Than Ever

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ote - In a world amid the buzzing and beeping of smart phones, laptops, and tablets, our susceptibility now to internet fraud is greater than ever. It’s not incredibly uncommon to hear of someone’s experience with separation anxiety over their mobile device. and although this may be common nature and just scream of the attachment issues we’ve developed with each new technological advancement becoming available on the market, the preeminent problem is security. The deceit in the system is clear to see. We lock our doors as a method of protecting ourselves in our homes and vehicles, but what measure provides the same sense of security online? The passwords we create that are intended to be a minimum of eight characters, include a number as well as at least one capital letter, or special character has to be something that we can remember and have committed to memory. The issue with this lies within the frequency of of repetitive use of the same keyword/phrase. Director of IT for Bud Clary Automotive and Senior Emerging Security Technology Engineer Consultant for Nike, Inc., Sherry Carpenter, provides insight on the subject, “With just over three billion people accessing the internet everyday it’s proven to be immensely important to have firewalls, encryption tactics and Intrusion Prevention Systems in place to secure a network from malicious traffic (including viruses, malware, ransomware, etc.)... By merely opening an unknown attachment in an email, you risk infecting not

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