
Internet Outweighs the Potential Negatives for Adolescents

Satisfactory Essays

Outline Thesis: The potential positive influences offered by the Internet outweigh the potential negatives for adolescents. I. Online media opens up adolescents to the larger world A. The international nature of the current online media 1. Twitter: The 'Arab spring' largely began through 'tweets' issued by young people (Singh 2011). 2. Having an online connection exposes young people to newspapers and other media internationally B. The Internet facilitates communication with others 1. People can connect based upon their similar interests online, like movies and cooking, regardless of where they live. 2. The Internet can help break down prejudices since people are judged by how they articulate themselves online, now how they look or what they wear. II. Adolescents can use the online format to delve into subjects they are embarrassed to discuss in real life. A. Many adolescents have questions about their sexual health and sexuality. 1. The online format allows them to discuss concerns anonymously. 2. It allows them to research and speak without fear of censure from their friends or parents. Even if they have good relationships with these individuals, some teens are too shy to address sexual concerns out loud. B. Many legitimate sources are using the Internet to communicate to adolescents, such as the Centers for Disease Control and other government health agencies around the world to communicate important information to young people (Jiménez-Pernett, et al, 2011). III.

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