
Internet Propricy : The Dangers Of The Internet Privacy

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Recently I had an interesting conversation with my mother about a friend of hers who’s credit card information was stolen. She said she didn’t realize until about a week after, when she tried to purchase something and her card was declined. It turns out that her friend didn’t find out because she had recently changed her phone number so, if the bank tried to contact her when her credit card was being excessively used they weren’t able to get a hold of her. She also never went to the bank unless it was to make a payment. Never installed any of the applications to track her bank account onto her phone. She believes it all started with a virus on her computer. A hacker sent an email to her with an attachment to a created software. Simply opening the attachment allowed for full access to her phone. The software then monitored her online activity and took screenshots when she was purchasing something online. Money was stolen and her credit score was affected all after opening an attachment in an email. Was it her fault for not having taking the measures to ensure safety on her credit card? Was it that she was unaware of the lack of protection when using the internet? Was it that she was being surveilled for a long time and finally targeted? The answer is all of these and still many more. Although, technology has caused our population to believe they have privacy while on the internet, I feel we are constantly manipulated because we don’t realize that our personal information can be used against us. At the same time however, understanding why we have such lack of privacy is important.
People of all ages and from all different types of the world are constantly sharing personal information when using the internet. Whether it be uploading a picture onto social media, making a payment online, or even as simple as googling information it can all be used against you. It doesn’t matter what we do online as long as we are connected we are being watched. Uploading a picture on social media can result in someone taking a screenshot, sending it around and suddenly there’s people viewing a picture that wasn’t meant to be shared with specific people. Purchasing something on a source that isn’t reliable can result in having

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