
Internship Goals

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Every person in this world is different; each person chooses his or her own path of life. However, in this competitive society, only the ones that are determined can be distinguished and can succeed. Having an internship in college is an advantage; it helps you by being ahead of the game. You gain experience, relationships and possibly a future career opportunity. Parks and recreation have three essential values: economic value, health/environmental benefits, and social importance. My position in the organization is an intern so I work side-by-side with the city staff, learn about the local government, and gain professional experience. Also, I participate in working on projects, developing surveys, and creating/analyzing projects. The mission of this organization is to use recreational opportunities to improve diverse services that promote programs for community involvement and increase the social, cultural and physical well being of the community. Some of the goals that Parks and Recreation try to achieve are to provide safe, green parks for the citizens of the community. Another would be creating future plans to …show more content…

Parks and Recreations improve local tax bases and increase local economies. Also, Parks and Recreations create programs that generate income directly from fees and charges to provide sports tournaments and special events, and etc. Lastly, Parks and Recreations are providing services and programs to help keep adults, children, seniors and youth fit. By creating and endorsing areas to be active it can increase the public's health as an entire community. Parks and Recreation is an important part of the communities establishing a unformed community. Parks can provide get-togethers for communal groups and individuals of different ethnicities. By keeping the community so close this lowers the number of

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