
Interpersonal Communication Reflection

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Taking this Interpersonal Communication course has opened my eyes to the importance of effective communication as it relates to relationships. The information that I’ve learned has inspired me to take a deeper look into how I communicate with my husband. It also provides an understanding regarding the differences in how he and I communicate. The communication style that I use is expressive, the style he uses is instrumental. He also interprets communication different than myself. It’s apparent that our non-verbal communication skills are very different. Additionally, I recognize effective listening to be a weakness in my relationship with my husband. When communicating, we want to get our point across. Attending to the message is never the goal. With the knowledge that I've gained in this class, I intend to apply it with the hopes of consequently enhancing my communication skills. In the following text, I will share my plan with you.

April 19, 2017, made 29 years of marriage for my husband and me. However, we've been a couple for 34 years. The way in which we communicate, couldn’t be any more different. When we discuss issues, I explain my thoughts and feelings in detail. I will express how I am feeling and how the situation affects me. Afterwards, I look to him for validation and confirmation that what I am saying is “right.” Instead, what I receive is a look of confusion and the need to fix it and move on. Chapter 2 explains how gender influences communication. According

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