
Reflection About Communication

Decent Essays

1. I overheard a conversation between a couple, a boy and a girl who I assume are both freshmen. They had gone to highschool together and both came to Syracuse University, they’ve been together for about 2 years - I know this because I was with my friend while this was happening and she peripherally knew the girl in the relationship. In their conversation, the girlfriend complained about how they never see each other anymore, it’s even less than they saw each other in high school even though now they don’t have limitations like curfews and strict school/extracurricular activities to work around. He answered by saying he is very busy with classes and new clubs and it’s hard to find time to spend together. She retorted with the fact that he’s managed to find plenty of time to spend with his new friends, and that their bond should be a stress reliever, not adding more stress to their workloads and the new college environment. I believe that they were really talking about how college has already changed both of them - she clearly wants to continue the relationship and hold on to what they had in high school, whereas he is taking on this whole new world and discovering that there is a life outside of the confines of his hometown. I think that he wants to break up with her, and that’s why he’s only making excuses and defending himself, rather than working to find a solution to the problem. He’s just allowing the distance between him and his girlfriend to run its course until they

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