
Interracial Kindness

Decent Essays

Mom escorts Jeannette and Brain to enroll into school, even though she never acquired their records from their school in Phoenix. They meet the principal who asks them straightforward questions to test their intelligence. But since they have a different accent, the principal can’t comprehend their answer and they can’t grasp his questions, so they were placed into classes with learning disabilities. Jeannette’s first day of fifth grade goes from unsatisfactory to miserable when a group of girls, Dinitia Hewitt, attack her during recess. The bullying is now a part of her daily routine. She knows her father can’t help and her mom won’t. Jeannette then sees Dinitia’s comforting side and wonders how she can befriend her. One day when walking through the park, Jeannette sees a little black boy being pursued by a dog. She frightens the dog and gives the child a piggy-back ride home. Dinitia observed this rare act of interracial kindness and decides to befriend her. While Jeannette was getting ready to go to Dinitia’s, her Uncle Stanley offers her a ride, until he realizes she is going to the black part of town. Later, when Jeannette comes back home, Erma clamors a bunch of racist nonsense that upsets Jeannette, confronts Erma, as her parents have always advocated her to do so. However, when her mom hears about the conversation with Erma, she tells her …show more content…

When Jeannette becomes the subject of Dinitia and her friends’ hate, it seems like it is simply because Jeannette’s the new kid in town. However, Dinitia’s decision to stop the attacks after Jeannette rescues her neighbor, suggests some underlying, subconscious issues are also at work. Dinitia and her friends find that living in a highly segregated village. As a clearly poor, new white kid, Jeannette is the perfect victim on which to express their frustrations with their own social

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