
Intimate Partner Violence: Defining Moments

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Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Course Take Home Mid Term
Defining Moments
United States social history has had many defining moments in which attitudes of domestic violence has changed. However, some of them did not make a huge impact or movement enough to change society’s views. Per class discussion, we learned that for many centuries women were seen as property of men and used as reproduction. There was a lack of respect and being beaten was part of them norm but at the same time men were considered the women’s “protectors”, which is ironic because women needed protection from their husbands. To top it all off, divorce was looked frown upon, leaving women no choice but to stay with their partners.
In my opinion, one of the biggest defining …show more content…

Even though I have studied social work for years I still did not feel like I could empathize with victims of domestic violence as much as one would think and I felt guilty because of it. At my internship, when talking to Military Sexual Trauma victims, I felt like I understood more of their reasons because they did not have a choice but to stay in. Out here in the civilian world, one would think that you can pack up and leave whenever you want. It turns out that it is not that easy. Playing that game “In Her Shoes” on the first day of class made me look at this reality in a very different way. One can say that women are dumb for staying in a relationship, but not taking into consideration other factors such as children, threats, low-self-esteem, shame, and lack of resources. Although I may never experience this type of abuse, I can at least empathize with victims of domestic …show more content…

This can also eliminate the victims’ self-determination because we are taking that option away from them. It could be that they are not ready for this change for whatever reason they may have and by reporting this, we take that away from them. Building rapport with our clients is one of the main keys to being a good social worker, in my opinion. By having good rapport you can get your client to open up to you, which is helpful when you are trying to get to the root of a problem. This where mandated reporting can cause problems because as soon as the social worker has to report the abuse, with or without her/his permission, it could be possible that the rapport goes away. Not to mention that confidentiality is no longer the case here because the mandated reporter has to notify law enforcement. Also, sometimes social workers think that reporting can remove the client from danger and into safety not thinking about the consequences. This meaning that they are putting victims at higher risk because they are the experts of their perpetrators actions and behaviors and it could be possible that they find loopholes to the system and cause them even more

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