
Introduction. (Derived From June Campbell’S Research On

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(derived from June Campbell’s Research on Color Psychology) Colours and emotions
Colours affect different people in different ways. Cimbalo (1978) tested association between colours and emotions, and designated colours like yellow, orange, and blue as happy colours, and red, black and brown as sad colours. These emotions (happy vs sad) were similar across age groups and had the same types of instilled emotions about specific colours. Kotler (1973) indicated that atmospherics such as noises, sizes, shapes, scents and colours could help create attention, convey messages, and create feelings that might increase purchase probability. The effects of such …show more content…

And since it’s also scientifically proven that "red" can increase your heart rate and raise your blood pressure, it’s a bold choice to use it extensively.
Orange: Bright, fun and friendly, orange has a playful, childlike appeal and three very different brands claim ownership of it in their respective sectors.
Yellow: Positive, sunny and optimistic, yellow is energetic and eye-catching – and particularly effective for point-of-sale messaging, as it’s proven to catch the eye quicker than any other colour. Green: Green is an emotionally positive colour, signifying growth and rebirth and, of course, nature. It represents stability and endurance, but it also prosperity and abundance, and taken to the extreme it can be a colour of wealth and luxury; a real mix of meanings.
Blue: Blue is a cool, clear colour which has a trustworthy, dependable feel, and is often the colour of choice for financial institutions as a result – notably Barclays.
Purple: Pale lavender has a nostalgic, sentimental feel, whereas richer, darker purple has a sophisticated tone often linked with royalty.
Pink: The level of intensity with which pink is used makes a big difference to its impact. Paler shades are often have ‘girly’ associations, while dusty pinks have a sentimental tone – both uses are relatively clichéd and absolutely everywhere, so standout with that goal in mind is next to impossible.
Black: Most brands use black in their branding some

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