
Introduction. The Book Of Acts Is Often Referred To As

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Introduction The Book of Acts is often referred to as the Acts of the Apostles; however, the goal of this paper is to demonstrate the importance of the acts of the Holy Spirit in this book. Drumwright points out that in the 68 chapters of the Synoptic Gospels there are only 34 references to the Holy Spirit. Compared to the 28 chapters of Acts there are 56 references to the Holy Spirit. The abundance reveals Luke’s desire to reveal the person, presence and power of the Holy Spirit. This paper outlines how Luke unfolds the personal and powerful Holy Spirit who presses believers to bring the gospel to the world, thus empowering the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Acts 1:8).

The Holy Spirit in Acts Luke introduces the reader …show more content…

Peter states that Jesus received the promised Holy Spirit from the Father. Afterward, Jesus poured the Spirit out onto the believers (Acts 2:33). The Apostle Peter makes the idea clear that the gift of the Holy Spirit is not only for those who are listening to him, but for all who will believe. Peter refers to the Prophet Joel when he says the promise of the Holy Spirit is for their “children and all who are afar off.” (Acts 2:39a) Drumwright points out that “six times in Acts the Spirit’s ministry is described as ‘the gift of the Holy Spirit.’” The gift of the Spirit empowers people for service, witness and mission for God.
Luke also demonstrates that the Spirit instructs, informs and animates the community of believers. God has bestowed the Holy Spirit to allow those in Jesus to see, hear and speak with His supernatural power and insight. All the above characteristics speak to the person of the Holy Spirit.
Scripture uses the effect of filling (Acts 4:8; 7:55; 9:17; 11:24; 13:9), indwelling (Act 6:5; 10:44) and baptism/immersion, (Acts 1:5; 2:38; 11:16) in the Holy Spirit to express how the Spirit is obtained by believers. The Holy Spirit is not new, “Filling with the Spirit was a phenomenon believers also experienced at various times in the Old Testament economy (Exod. 35:30-34; Num. 11:26-29;1 Sam. 10:6, 10).” When the Spirit makes an appearance in the Old Testament, He usually speaks with or directs the actions

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