
Investigating The Statistical Properties Of An Individual 's Reaction Time When Tested With Audial And Visual Stimuli

Decent Essays

Reaction Time
To determine the statistical properties (mean, standard deviation and tendencies in data) of an individual’s reaction time when tested with audial and visual stimuli, as well as the importance of these properties.
Notes and Comments
In this experiment students will use a reaction time test to determine the delay between audial and visual stimuli being displayed and the student reacting. Once a large (N>>3) sample size is taken, statistical calculations can be made to determine the mean, and standard deviation; these calculations help us build a mathematical model that can then help predict the possibilities of data points lying on a number. This is if the recorded data is of a normal distribution and follows a Gaussian …show more content…

The equation for calculating the standard deviation is as follows:

When substituting values for deviation and sample size the standard deviation comes out to be:

Now that we have a visual representation of the data in graph form, as well as calculating the mean and standard deviation it is clear and undisputable that this data set is of a normal distribution and will follow all trends set by the Gaussian curve, this is because it has slightly over 68% of data points within one standard deviation and slightly over 95% of all data points within two standard deviations.
The same calculations can be done with the data from the sound test to calculate the mean and standard deviation for the sound reaction test, the mean and standard deviations come out to:

Although each result carries uncertainty, these uncertainties some somewhat reliant upon the computer hardware that is being used when undertaking the experiment. The hardware that is used on a computer has a response time of anywhere from 1-100 milliseconds. For the light test monitor response time is a big factor, a delay between the monitor sending information to the screen and that information being displayed is called display lag and many professional computer gamers use IPS monitors to reach a response time of 1

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