
Involvement of Parents in Child Language, Intervention

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Literature Review This study by Romski et al. (2011) focuses on how the way parents interpret their child’s language development can change through language interventions. Researchers Head and Abbeduto (2007) who were mentioned in the current study insisted that experiences that the parents endure should be addressed and are equally important to the child’s outcomes. Naturally, there are some concerns that arise with this study. A major concern is the involvement of parents in language interventions. Researchers doubt that parents would be able to enforce vital intervention strategies on their own. Kaiser (1993) reported that “Parent implemented language intervention is a complex phenomenon that requires a multicomponent intervention approach (Kaiser, 1993). Finally, Romski et al. (2011) concluded through a sample of 30 toddlers with developmental disabilities that parents were successful in conducting language interventions correctly and precisely on their own.
A total of 53 parents consented to having their children participate in this study by Romski et al. (2011). The children were 20 to 40 months old at the start of the study. In order to participate in this study the children must meet the inclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria was very specific and stated that the child had to be at risk for speech and language impairment, had to exhibit some basic communication abilities, had to have upper body motor skills, and had to have a handicap other than delayed

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