
Is Animal Testing Cruel

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Animal testing is horrible because animals are innocent living beings that feel and think the same as we do.Although animal testing does save lives think about the animals lives were putting behind our own and if we keep doing this then soon there will be many mutated animals and they will keep making more “non humans”.If we keep up our testing there will someday be no more animals to test on.Therefore this is why animal testing is inhumane and cruel.Animals should not be tested on by humans for the very fact that it is affecting them one way or another.

Animals should not be tested on for experiments for the reason they feel too.Animals are living things that can be used to help people with disabilities or people that need …show more content…

Animal testing can not always be proven right and be correct.When people do animal tests they do not know the outcome and that is the purpose but some animal tests are not necessary and not needed. Animal tests that are not needed are cruel but something that is very important is when they do tests that have already been done and proven but they still redo them. This is why animal tests are needed sometimes but can mostly not be used.The second quote is “out of 93 animal tests taken only 19 percent of actual results could be predicted by animal tests for humans”. What this shows is that animal testing is ultimately unreliable. People can keep doing animal tests but what is the point, either the tests have a high chance of being inaccurate or the people would have to do the tests multiple times and still have a chance of it not being correct. If this is what the animals have to go through like being tortured and inhumanely treated and being breeded for with only one reason for life to be tested on then we do this all for basically no reason other than to get little amounts of results.This shows animal testing is not all that good and does more bad.This shows that animal testing is unreliable and doesn’t work all the time. Animal testing is bad enough thinking that it has results but when it does not have results it is just abuse.This is a reason why animal testing needs to be stopped. When animal testing

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