
Is Automation The First Thing? Essay

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In recent years road accidents are common issue . Every government take many steps to solve this issue but could not solve it . Maximum accidents occur for driving unconsciously . Most time drivers avoid traffic rules . Changing lanes continuously is another reason . Most time drivers drives cars at high speed and whenever he saw any object in front of him he can’t control his speed that’s why accident occurs . If we can control this speed by decelerating cars speed then this accident rate will reduce . So I want to research in this topic to control braking system automatically . My point of view is if car brake can be controlled by detecting object position in front of it accident may not occur and we can have a safe road system [1] .

Literature Review :
If we think about automation the first thing comes to our mind is robot. Actually robot is one of the best example of automation but automation can be used in other sectors too. Now a question may arise what is automation ? Automation is something which can take and implement its decision itself . It can be a machine , Robot, software etc. In this present age the importance of automation is very high cause we people are really very use to using modern technology and now we want to reduce use of our brain and human power using intelligent system . This systems can save our time as well as money[1-3].
Automated braking system is a part of automated vehicle with this system acceleration and deceleration can

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