
Is Batman A Hero

Decent Essays

Are famous heroes actually heroes? What about Fictional heroes such as Batman and Superman? What qualities do they have that anti-heroes don’t? Heroes are really important in a society, a hero is not one who is physically strong, evil, or selfish, but rather one who is selfless, and inspires others to assist members of the community, even during times of hardship. A hero is not one who is physically strong or one who is evil hearted. In the world, there are many famous people who are not heroes but some believe they are. For example, Batman is a hero to many kids, they look up to him. But Batman uses his strength to fight evil and is evil hearted because he doesn’t think about a number of people who could get hurt because of his actions. …show more content…

For example, Tris from Divergent by Veronica Roth showed all the qualities a hero should have when she allowed another character to throw knives at her to save a friend's life. Because of this she could have died or been kicked out forcing her to become factionless, and at that time her instructor said to her,” That girl who let someone throw knives at her to spare a friend, who hit my dad with a belt to protect me-that selfless girl, that's not you?”.(Roth) allowing someone to throw knives at her shows that she is selfless because it proves that she is willing to do anything to save a life even it puts her at risk. This also shows that she is very inspiring because it shows that other people think she is a hero and look up to her. They are supporting her and telling her that she is a hero and they would only say that if she inspires them. Another example of a hero is Harriet Tubman who showed her heroic qualities when she escaped slavery but came back to help free more slaves. “I was free and they should be free,” she said. “I would make a home in the North and bring them there.” (Tubman)Proving she is a hero because heroes are people who are selfless and return to danger if they know that they must help more people. In addition, she could have escaped to the north and led a happy life but she didn’t do that because she wasn’t selfish, she wanted to make sure that others could be free as well. True heroes are the ones that are selfless and inspiring. If the hero’s actions aren’t enough to cause someone else to want to emulate and surpass them with their action then they are not

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