
Is Breaking The Taboo?

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Before we can explain why the film is titled breaking the Taboo, we must first grasp the connotation that comes with the word taboo. In a noun interpretation we see taboo as a social custom prohibiting discussion of a particular practice (drugs) or forbidding association with a particular person (drug user), place (drug influenced locations), and thing (drugs). In a verb definition we see taboo as something that has been placed under prohibition.
Now that we have a better understanding of what taboo means, we can see that there is a major taboo associated with drugs. Drug use/ abuse have become a private matter which results in an increase in individuals becoming addicted. Many of these individuals are alone in their addiction due to this isolation that comes with such a stigma. In the United States we pride ourselves on strict regulating laws that prohibit drugs, but these actions have only led to United States becoming the largest consumer of drugs.
The United States consist of less than 5 % of the population and 25% of the world population in jail reside in the United States alone. In 1970 the United States had 330,000 prisoners. In 2012 however, it was documented that they had 2.3 million prisoners. The United States has gotten to an extent where we have more prisoners rather than soldiers. This is a hard statistic to read because such a vast amount of individuals are being separated from civilization, for some, decades at a time where change has accelerated their

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