
Is Bullying Worth The Pain?

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How far can you take a joke before someone gets hurt? This is the question on the minds of every parent and teacher. However, the real question is, why are we turning our friends’ insecurities into a cheap laugh? Not only can bullying hurt the victims, but also the bystanders and the bullies themselves. Is the punchline really worth all of the pain? The struggle is real, not just for one group, but for many.
The most obvious victims of bullying have been assigned that exact title: the victims. These are the kids who are most likely to cut and commit suicide. In some cases, the depression and anxiety overtakes them. Add this with how stressed out they might be from school, and the results are disasterous. Now, bullying has been deemed a “serious …show more content…

Children who witnessed bullying are more likely to skip school and have a mental illness, such as depression. Despite that any insults or “jokes” were not directed to them, they are still trapped in a corner themselves. Should they get help? If they do, will they get bullied? Should they pretend they saw nothing? If they do, will the victim get hurt? There’s no easy answer when it comes to being a bystander. Many bullying situations could have been avoided if the bystander was friends with the victim, but because the social dynamic of teenagers is so confusing with enemies and frenemies and people they don’t like and people who don’t like them, if they have a problem with the victim then they simply won’t do anything or even make it worse. So many feelings play a role in being a bystander from fear to anger to sympathy. Research suggests that these muddled emotions might lead to even more distress than that of the victims themselves. Even with these statistics, many blame bystanders for the immense amount of bullying that happens. Clearly, with this research, including a survey of over two thousand kids that said bystanders were affected even worse, the bystanders aren’t to blame, but rather their …show more content…

These kids are more likely to be violent adults, have criminal convictions, and be involved in abusive relationships. By hurting others, these kids are doing themselves no favour. Often, this behaviour is caused because the bullies are “popular” and would like it to stay that way. They pick on other kids to assert dominance or impress their squad. This theory has been supported by a four-and-a-half-year-long study involving nineteen middle and high schools. According to many, bullies are horrible people who are jealous, angry, or hurt. As it turns out, these kids might be their own victims. Hurting others constantly creates a pattern, a habit. Habits are never easy to break. These so-called bullies deserve just as much help and attention as victims do. If they don’t, there’s a good chance they’ll ruin their

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