
Is Catcher In The Rye Still Relevant

Decent Essays

“The Catcher in the Rye” Relevant or Irrelevant? The 21st Century is an era well known for teenagers whose parents beg them to get off their phones and people who worry about the Kardashians more than they should. The question arises as to how can a novel from the 1940’s, like Catcher in the Rye, still be relevant to today’s society? For instance, this book takes place during an era where people did not rely on their phones and did not even know who the Kardashians were, but believe it or not, “Catcher in the Rye” in many ways is still relevant and worth reading. There are many differences between the novel’s society and today's society, but despite the differences, there is an incredible amount of similarities between Holden and 21st century …show more content…

Although this statement might be true, there are also many similarities between the novel and our current society. As shown, the differences and similarities relating to Holden and 21st century teens are very different from each other. The differences relate to Holden’s odd relationships and actions, opposed to the similarities which have to do with Holden’s feelings towards school back then. It can be said that the similarities between the novel and today's current age overshadow all the differences. For instance, if this novel was so irrelevant to today's age, why was this assignment assigned and why are people still be reading this book? Even though people Holden's age today don’t relate to every single detail of this novel, it still doesn’t change the message given and the story told. In conclusion, The Catcher in the Rye is an inspiring book that will teach teenagers to make the right choices in life before they head for a “great fall”. Holden's journey through the novel was a quest in which he searched for a purpose and a sense of finally finding that “ride or die” person he desperately needs in his life. Like many teens, Holden dealt with “phony” people and felt strong emotions towards girls and even though students currently don’t have sleepovers at their English teachers house, The Catcher in the Rye is still a book that should be discussed and read in schools. This novel is still

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