
Is Edward Snowden Worth Breaking The Law?

Decent Essays

Throughout history, we have seen many examples of civil disobedience that has positively affected our society. Of these examples, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was one of the most impactful cases known to the American people. While in the Birmingham Jail, he wrote a letter to the clergymen justifying his then recent endeavors. Words like peaceful, genuine good, and nonviolent all can be quoted from this letter. He stood for the African American people and their equality. He was ready to take the consequences for his actions and gracefully promoted his cause: segregation! We all know that through this, he got what he wanted accomplished. Now, every American citizen can live in equality and equilibrium.
Charles Frankel proposed the question, "Is it right to break the law?" Within his article, he states that many upstanding Americans broke the law during Prohibition. They believed that the government was cheating them of their undeniable human rights. He also clearly mentions that in certain circumstances, breaking the law can be effective and, perhaps, necessary.
After reading the article, "Why Edward Snowden is a Hero," by John Cassidy, it brings a new …show more content…

In today's society, we have a major example of how breaking the law can be a negative event. Our presidential, Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, has been accused of breaking the law due to withholding a certain number of e-mails from the government. Though this may not seem like a very important feat, if she is elected president of the United States, the American people are stating that we do not condone a lawless society. Our country will then have the potential to break out in complete and total anarchy. How then would she have the authority and power to convict subjects exuding lawless behavior when she, the prime leader of our great country, is a key example of how not to conduct

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