
Is Modern Culture Ruining Childhood Literature Review

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Literature Review: Is Modern Culture Ruining Childhood? As these articles do agrees, technology has had a profound effect on childhood. That doesn’t mean that childhood should be viewed as ruined. It just a change in the culture. Generation after generation has changed. Just because modern culture is different from the culture your elders experienced doesn’t mean that it different in a bad way. Technological advancements are the what we base our lives on. This is our modern culture. In “The Kids Are Not All Right” by Joel Bakan, Bakan talks about his teenagers and how they are absorbed in the life of social media. He feels that his parents probably felt similarity about the things that he did when he was younger. In “Is Modern Culture Ruining Childhood” by Mary Walton, Walton talks about if it is possible that modern culture is really what is ruining childhood. She talks about “helicopter parenting’ and how technology has created an endless amount of learning for developing children. In “The Culture of Childhood: We’ve Almost Destroyed It” by Peter Gray Ph.D., Dr. Gray talks about how children are biologically designed to learn how to grow up in a specific culture. In “The Kids Are Not All Right”, Joel Bakan talks about how he believes that childhood itself is now in crisis. Throughout history, children have had many struggles on how to get societies to understand how to deal with them and childhood. The united states created a broad-based “child -saving” movement because the societies were trying to combat all the widespread child abuse in the late 19th century. Many children were forced to work in mines, mills, and factories to support their family. Bakan says that the early 20th century is the “century of the child”. By the middle of the 20th century, “childhood was a robustly protected legal category”. Children are now categorized as legal persons. Everything is the for “best interest of the child”. Childhood obesity is cause by children being bombarded by junk food advertisements, even at school. Electronic media has many children engaged more than they should be. They pay more attention to the electronics more than they pay attention at school. He also believes that children today are exposed to

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