
Is Teacher Directed Teaching More Effective Then Student Directed As A Teaching Method? Essay

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The analyses of the results that link to the main research question is as follows: Is teacher-directed teaching more effective then student-directed as a teaching method when used in teaching Aboriginal Languages? The data gathering methods were a pre-test followed by a post-test, and a late post-test. There was no significant difference between student-centred and teacher-centred instruction. The gaps that exist are from non-class attendance by students on day of test. The Quantitative data was analysed using each student individualised tests and the percentages were calculated of tally marks on a chart. Out of the 27 students in the class, 26 students answered all the questions. A couple of the student put dashes where they could not answer the question or did not know the answer. A couple of the boys refused to do the tests properly. When each testing took place, it was noticed that there was a real possibility that the results did not accurately reflect what occurred as many of the student were either absent due to illness or away on school business on the days when each test was conducted. Variables: There are always several variables that exist when conducting any type of research. R.C. Gardner (1985) came up with the socio-educational notion in which he suggests that learning a second language should not be merely explained by people’s ability or their proficiency to acquire a language, but that individual differences were key factors that affected second language

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