
Is Technology Detrimental to Society? Essays

Decent Essays

The more advanced technology becomes, the more of a toll it has on our daily lives. Lee Siegel states that “we shop, work, play, love, search for information, seek to communicate with each other and sometimes with the world online. We spend more time online than ever before. Yet people are not arguing about this startling new condition." It is my belief that due to the control technology has taken over society, technology is ultimately detrimental to society as a whole. As you are looking at a screen for hours at a time, you begin to stop “thinking” foresay and get lost in the world of television, the internet, or whatever else you are using with your piece of technology. Siegel refers to this lack of thinking as the mind’s “placeless …show more content…

Recent developments in technology like the internet lead to the decrease in “normal” social behavior, and a trend of disconnect between individuals due to an obsession with technology. In the past, you could walk around your town for a whole day without seeing every single person that you know. But with the usage of technology, they are just an arm’s reach away. With this change in the way people communicate, social habits become lazy. You no longer have to put in the effort to communicate with the people you care about, which may lead to a feeling of isolation and loneliness. It has become easier to just text someone, rather to call them or even see them in person. With this comes possible breaches in communication, and an overall disconnect between individuals and their loved ones. The disconnect between people due to technology is harmful and may lead to many consequences. Another issue presented by the advancement and everyday use of technology is the idea that our lives and society is better than it was before due to this advancement. Just because in the past technology was not as prevalent, does not mean that the quality of life was any worse. In fact, I’m sure that Andrew Maslow may agree. Maslow believes that there is a hierarchy of needs that ultimately determines a person’s quality of life. This hierarchy includes physiological needs such as food, water, and shelter, the need to feel safe, the need for love, affection, and belongingness, and many other needs

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