
Is The Duluth Method Of Bipp An Effective Treatment Program For Latinos?

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Is the Duluth Method of BIPP an Effective Treatment Program for Latinos?
Texas State University
Is the Duluth Method of BIPP an Effective Treatment Program for Latinos?
Statement of the Problem Intimate partner violence or domestic violence is not only a physical incident between a couple. Domestic Violence encompasses physical, sexual, emotional, economic, and psychological forms taken by a perpetrator against the victim. In Texas 77% of all Hispanic have either themselves or know someone who has experienced some form of domestic violence and 64% of all Hispanic have reported having personally experienced at least one form of domestic violence in their lifetime. This is a 16% difference from the 47% of Texans that have reported …show more content…

My research will help by demonstrating the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the current Duluth method of BIPP programs with the Latino population. Currently, social service programs and courts are mandating domestic violence perpetrators to Batterer intervention prevention programs as a first-choice solution to the problem. However, if the Duluth method is not effective in treating these individuals then a new approach must be taken. My research can help expand and shape policy by changing the preferred model used by BIPP programs in Texas and by changing the viewpoint of social services and courts who mandate these individuals to attend BIPP programs that are not effectively helping the Latino population
Research Question The question that I will ask during this research proposal is: Is the Duluth Method of Batterer Intervention Prevention Programs an effective treatment program for the Latino population? The answer this this questions will help shape standards as to effective treatment options for Latino clients attending BIPP, such as using a strength based approached to keep them engaged, instead of receiving the same treatment as other clients. At the end of this study I intend to observe if Batterer Intervention Programs are effective treatment options for perpetrators of domestic violence. If this is not an effective method of treatment, then alternatives will be considered to see how effective they have been at

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