
Is The Nature Of Evil In Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde

Decent Essays

The story of The Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is compelling. It shows symbolically the nature of good and evil, as well as human nature interacting in an embodiment of a persons soul. Dr. Jekyll is depicted as the Good in human nature, and Mr. Hyde is depicted as the wickedness of human nature. Throughout a series of events, it is shown that Mr. Hyde is actually Dr. Jekyll, and in reality Mr. Hyde is Dr. Jekyll underdeveloped “evil side”. Many morals are presented throughout this book, but I am going to overview three specific ones that I found to be prominent in my reading. This symbolism is a key element in this story, all leading up to the overwhelming conclusion. Human nature is inherently evil, however we do have a choice in wether to succumb to it or not. …show more content…

Dr. Jekyll was seen as quite an upstanding person in the book. He was a scientist to whom was fascinated with human Psychology apparently. When he designed the potion that turned him into Mr. Hyde, it gave him free access to do whatever he wanted to, seemingly without repercussion. It was a novelty at first, then he started using it more and more to become Hyde. He kept his addiction a secret, like most people with an addiction do, and did not want help.“You must suffer me to go my own dark way. I have brought on myself a punishment and a danger that I cannot name. If I am the chief of sinners, I am the chief of sufferers also.” (Pg. 23) The addiction started to become out of control when he started

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