
Isas Pros And Cons

Decent Essays

1.A safe country - I want very strong borders. A candidate said a couple days ago 'I want strong borders, and I want big beautiful doors on the wall, and I want thousands of people coming through the doors, legally.'...This candidate has been bashed for the way some words were used, but deep down this candidate said with total conviction please come to us, we will have open arms and we love you, just be legal. That is a great statement. I have never heard a president say with such conviction, 'I want thousands coming here.' Also, ISIS is out there and I don't want them in here, until ISIS is defeated, we can't let anyone in that even has a chance of becoming radicalized. God forbid anyone in this country is killed by an illegal or a terrorist, …show more content…

Economy - I want a candidate that will make us wealthy. The last 2 terms, we have gone down 10 trillion and if we continue in this direction we will lose power. We can't afford the current health care program and our taxes are so high that we need a spouse to afford to live nowadays. I want a smaller government so that I can do what I want with my money, I don't want it taken out of my check so that it goes places such as i.e. towards somebody that doesn't work. There is a massive contrast right now between these candidates. One wants a massive government, that will run our lives for us, the other wants smaller government and encourages us to work hard. And both sides, dems and republicans, are not backing one of the candidates because he/she wants the people to run the country and not the government. This is a threat to people in DC, not a threat to the people. So it's becoming us, the people, vs them, the government. I want us, the people to run the country, and our democracy that was built by our ancestors is being threatened. 3. Negotiations - I want a president that works for us, diligently. I want him/her to get up each morning and get their ass to work. It's a tough job and it requires amazing energy and stamina and health, physically/mentally. Negotiations with other countries must be going on constantly. Right now we are being destroyed in negotiations and we are losing thousands of jobs to other countries. I want a candidate that will bring back jobs, knows how to make a deal, knows business, and makes deals that will benefit the people and generations to

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