
Ischemic Stroke Case Studies

Good Essays

I. Introduction and Background Research
This patient was admitted to the hospital exhibiting symptoms such as the inability to speak, muscle weakness and facial numbness. From the noncontrast CT scan, the doctors concluded that she has suffered from a lacunar ischemic stroke. An ischemic stroke occurs when blood stops flowing to part of the brain.1 Lacunar refers to the small lacunes, or softening, found in the brain. Lacunes are most often caused by hypertensive small artery disease which can be triggered by hypertension.2 In the United States alone; stroke affects approximately 795,000 people and holds the title of the fourth leading cause of death. Typically, African Americans are more susceptible to suffering from a stroke as well as the …show more content…

This form of ischemic stroke treatment can be used for someone with or without hypertension. Modifying lifestyle is along with drug treatment can help the process. Also, for patients with high lipid levels should consider lifestyle modifications and follow the dietary guidelines provided in the NCEP III guidelines. Statins can be beneficial too for this patient. If a smoker, they should quite immediately and alcohol consumption should be reduced or eliminated. The overweight patients who have suffered from ischemic stroke should consider weight reduction and maintain a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 kilograms per meter squared. Finally, at least thirty minutes of physical activity at a moderate level on most days is recommended. These guidelines also contain information for specific conditions such as ones that fall under the category of cardiovascular …show more content…

Using the Mifflin-St. Jeor equation provided by the Nutrition Care Manual requirements for cerebrovascular disease, the patient’s estimated energy expenditure is 1550 kcal/day. The patient also has a protein need of 82.5 grams of protein per day. Lastly, the fluid needs of the patient are between 2250 and 2625 milliliters of fluid per day. Therefore, the patient’s modified diet needs to fill these parameters. The patient also needs a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and must limit margarine consumption. The patient should also be on a honey-thick liquid

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