
Islamic Artwork Analysis

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Islamic Artwork Comparison and Analysis Two artworks-- the 15th-century Iranian bowl and the Chinese dish from the Qing dynasty-- make use of glaze colors, in-the-round directionality, and animal images at the center-- to demonstrate the interaction between the Islamic and Chinese culture during the ancient period. The art history of ceramic ware in Iran may be traced back into the prehistoric period. When agriculture developed and farming began on the highlands of Iran by ancient peoples of this land, inhabitants created tableware of dried clay so as to serve their needs. In Iran, ceramic ware production has a remarkable and long history (Golombek et al. 7, 73). Because of the strategic geographical features of Iran, being at the intersection …show more content…

The bowl is made of porcelain coated in over-glaze enamel and under-glaze blue. Widely known for the broad assortment of exceptional art works, China is considered one of the biggest porcelain manufacturers in the world. Ever since the ancient period, the diversity of the forms of glaze, clay, and the differences in firing methods performed by various furnaces have produced masterpieces of over-glaze and under-glaze porcelain, yellow porcelain, red porcelain, black porcelain, white porcelain, blue porcelain, and celadon, to name quite a few (Kelun 2). The outcomes were some of the most beautiful porcelain objects to originate from the Qing dynasty. The Qing dynasty's white porcelain, in comparison to that of the 15th-century Iranian bowl, is lighter in color intensity. Qing ceramic manufacturers at the imperial furnaces were successful in creating exotic porcelain wares with the over-glaze and under-glaze design. The dish shows a wide, round rim that highlights the over-glaze method. The set of colors used-- blue, red, white-- was created by the application of enamels. This design, according to Kleiner (2008), reveals major social changes in China during the Qing dynasty. The dish has a curved rim with a polychrome enamel design, showing a picture of a writhing dragon on the surface of closely interwoven waves. The image clearly symbolizes the power of the China's

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