
Islamic Faith and Culture Essay

Decent Essays


In recent modern times, the Islamic faith and culture has been scarred by bad publicity and criticism worldwide concerning terrorism, fanaticism, and the treatment of women. All these issues have existed in most religions throughout time, but the treatment of women is different in which most other cultures and religions have minimized the issues and Islam, under its attempts to also end it, has failed to create a society in which the treatment of women is equal to that of men. The treatment of women, beginning from the time when they are born, to the time of their marriage, to the moment of their death, has not been equal to that of men despite the actions taken to end the injustice.

The Islamic faith rose during the life of …show more content…

But during the same time he has been quoted to be referring to women as "property" or "commodity":

"The world, the whole of it, is a commodity and the best of the commodities of the world is a virtuous wife."

Although what Muhammad wanted to say was not to treat women as commodities, if someone misinterpreted this they may believe that even though women are the best commodity, they still are just property. It is this misinterpretation between the teachings of Muhammad that may have led to men thinking that it was right for them to mistreat women and oppress them.

In the times before the writing of the Qur'an Arabs practiced female infanticide, the killing of female newborns by smothering them to death or by burying them while still alive. Families practiced infanticide because a female was less helpful in creating and sustaining a family than were men. This atrocity was condemned by Muhammad and written in the Qur'an:

"He hideth himself from the folk because of the evil of that whereof he hath had tidings, (asking himself): Shall he keep it in contempt, or bury it beneath the dust. Verily evil is their judgment."

The killing of female children is comparable to that in other eastern cultures such as China were the governments regulations is what has led to it. In Islamic culture, it is tradition and just the need for male children that had led to female infanticide. Although in modern days infanticide is rare and the Qur'an forbids it,

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