
Islamophobia In America

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In hearing a lot of complaints about president elect Trump's Islamophobia, it's been surprising to learn how uneducated the average person is about the history of Islamophobia in America. The current blinkered attitude towards Muslims worldwide is not a product of happenstance. To quote a former American President: In politics, nothing happens fdr-december-24-1943by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. Franklin D. Roosevelt While that contextually sounds a bit surreptitious, if for a moment we would turn our heads (albeit briefly) away from the headlines, news columns and their oft jingoistic rhetoric and finally also the self-serving punditry coming from various news outlets, we might find that a certain level of planning and coordinated execution has gone into every major shift in thought, policy, legislation and ideology. Consequently, the policies of the Trump Administration, in particular, their Islamophobic bent, as unbelievable as they may at time seem are no different …show more content…

In recent times there was the AntiTerrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA) that began the practice of policing Muslim subjects and communities. (One part of this legislation led to the disparate investigation of Muslim American political and social activity, while another led to the deportation of Muslims with links - real or fictive - to terrorist activity.) However many would be surprised to learn that until 1944, American courts used Muslim identity as grounds to deny citizenship. Even Christians perceived to be Muslims or feared to be "of mixed Muslim ancestry" were denied. This warrants a quote from the watershed publication Orientalism by Edward

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