
Islamophobias In The Iba

Decent Essays

Muslims are invigorated by the FBI to report any suspicious activity, and that has led to some Muslims indeed acting as informants for the FBI. Although, the connection between Muslims and the FBI is forced. The FBI has positioned Muslims who decline to act as informants on the no-fly list, and the California FBI utilized community outreach plans to collect data about Muslims. Islamophobia is institutionalized in the FBI. In 2011, Wired Magazine’s Danger Room blog started publication of leaked documents from the FBI’s counterterrorism training program. The documents asserted that all Muslims are possible terrorists, called the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) a cult leader, and recommended Robert Spencer’s Onward Muslim Soldiers as a basis on …show more content…

They felt that the FBI was not treating them as potential allies against terrorism, but as potential terrorists.
Naturally, Islamophobia had also made its way into entertainment as well. Earlier this year, ABC Family planned a show called Alice in Arabia. Created by Brooke Eikmeier, a former interpreter for the US military, Alice in Arabia was about a half-Saudi teenage girl named Alice. After a car accident that kills her father and leaves her mother in a coma, her Saudi relatives take custody of her and her grandfather confiscates her passport. All the Muslim characters express anti- American sentiment, and her grandfather views America as sinful. She is forced to live in the “women’s quarter” of her grandfather’s home. The girls in the house are homeschooled to protect them from the outside world and the differences between American society and Islamic society are constantly emphasized, like when a Muslim girl says that women can choose between being free or being Muslims. Women’s rights in Saudi Arabia are indeed dismal, but the main issue that people had with the show was that it focused more on the culture clash between “American” and “Muslim” than how Saudi gender dynamics affected Saudi women. After a social media outcry, ABC Family quickly pulled the show. When discussing Alice, it is important to note Eikmeier’s job with the U.S.

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