
Isolation In The Yellow Wallpaper

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Third, by looking at the narrative as a Gothic Horror Story, the final theme that isolation produces irrational fear which can drive one insane is seen in the narrative. The use of historical and cultural poetics lens the narrative can further be looked at support the theme. For example, the Narrator has an odd feeling about the house. The narrative states,” A colonial mansion, a hereditary estate, I would say a haunted house, and reach the height of romantic felicity… That spoils my ghostliness, I am afraid, but I don’t care-- there is something strange about the house-- I can feel it” (1,2). The house has a ancient haunted feeling to it which drives the Narrator insane trying to figure out what is off about it. In addition, the house is isolated from the village. The narrative …show more content…

This leads to long days with little interaction which drives the Narrator insane. Also, the Narrator starts to worry more and more about the “woman in the wallpaper” adding to the creepy factor. The narrative states,” I think that woman gets out in the daytime! And I’ll tell you why-- privately-- I’ve seen her! I can see her out of every one of my windows!” and, “If that woman does get out, and tries to get away, I can tie her!” The Narrator slowly becomes more and more infatuated with the wallpaper woman until she eventually tears the wallpaper off the wall thus going fully insane. And, the other woman in the story are not like the Narrator. The narrative states,” “But I can write when [Jennie] is out...we just had mother and Nellie and the children down for week” (5). This shows that, unlike the Narrator, the other woman are free to travel as they please, and they are not mentally unstable because they are not isolated. As well, the woman in the wallpaper eventually frees herself. The narrative states,”’ I’ve finally got out at last,’ said I,’ in spite of you and

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