
Israeli Settlements And The New U.S. Administration. The

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Israeli Settlements and the New U.S. Administration The focus of this essay will be the construction of new Israeli settlements in the West Bank region and whether or not Israelis think the Trump Administration supports these new settlements. This is an important topic because Israeli settlement building has been a major issue preventing Israelis and Palestinians from coming to a peace agreement. Also in Assignment 1, I referred to this issue as a possible limitation to my prospective trip to Jerusalem so I would like to further research the issue here. I will be using three main sources for this essay: Al Jazeera, a regional news organization in the Middle East, Haaretz, an Israeli breaking news site, and the Jerusalem Post, an Israeli …show more content…

In the article, they ask the same question I posed above: “Does Trump support the building of settlements or is he opposed (JPost Editorial)?” The article focuses on his first meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Trump told him that he would like Israel to “hold back on settlements for a little bit…I would like to see a deal made (Trump, JPost Editorial).” This statement would make people assume that he is initially against further settlement building in the West Bank. Trump also said he is in favor of a solution that involves both Palestine and Israel, which the article says was common for previous presidents to say. The article also claims that Trump’s pick to be the ambassador to Israel is in favor of building settlements, which I will talk about with another article below. The writers of this article are confused due to this fact, and say that Trump might not even have a clear opinion of settlement building yet. The writers want Netanyahu to “proceed cautiously” in dealing with Trump as they are not sure of his true intentions. The article closes by calling for more communication between the countries (JPost). As mentioned in the previous paragraph, President Trump’s pick to be the U.S. ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, is considered a supporter of new settlement building. An article written by Jonathan Cook and published on Al Jazeera on May 14, 2017 takes a closer look at Friedman. Its

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