
It Was August 18, 2014, Just Another Beautiful Summer Day.

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It was August 18, 2014, just another beautiful summer day. It was my first day back in the classroom as a third year teacher. I greeted all the smiling faces of my first graders that morning and rushed through the day, trying to get in everything that I had planned. The craziness of the first day of school quickly passed and before I knew it, it was time to start planning for the next day. But all I could think about was getting home and being with my 18-month old son. Before I had children, I would spend countless hours after school working, but once they came along, I vowed to not get burnt out in my profession and to spend the majority of my time at home with them. So, I left my piles of work at the classroom and headed home. I thought …show more content…

My Daddy was a perfectly healthy man who only recently noticed a small lump on his cheek. How did that one little lump become a cancerous lymph node and change our lives? It was something that I would question constantly. But through all of the heartbreak and anger, I continued to pray for peace, healing, and understanding.
The next few weeks passed by slowly and in all honestly, it was all a big blur. My heart still physically and emotionally ached, and I was still trying to wrap my mind around everything. Before I knew it, it was September and time for my Daddy’s first chemotherapy treatment. My parents kept insisting that I didn’t need to go to the appointment with them, but I knew that I needed to go. Not only to support both of them, but also for healing for myself. As we walked into the chemo room, it was like reality slapped me in the face. Up until this point, I think I was in denial and not willing to fully accept what my Daddy’s future held. I can still visualize the room with all the chairs, monitors, and IV pumps. The next eight hours passed by quicker than I imagined that they would. My Daddy did fantastic with the treatment. As we left the doctor’s office, I still didn’t know what the future held. The only thing I knew for certain was that my perspective on life had changed. I knew that I had been going through the day-to-day routine and just walking through life. But was I actually living it? Was I spending my days doing

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