
Ithaka Monologue

Decent Essays

Kalypso falls in love with odysseus after seeing him on her island. His boat has shipwrecked leaving him stranded and submissive to her
I was walking on my Island today, just like everyother day. It’s funny how my beautiful Island of Ogygia can be so full of life yet so gravely barren. There hasn’t been anyone to talk to in a while, and when they do come, its never truly for me, but how someone can beefit from me. I just wanted a man, anyone who was able to show love and affecetion. Alas, I guess it’s no suprise that I fell in love with the first man who crossed my path, or more specifically, wrecked his ship and drifted along my shores. I don’t know this stranger or anything about him, but I know just how close we’ll be getting soon…
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I can’t seem to get enough of him, Odysseus, yet he often mopes around the island, weeping himself sick . I can’t simply understand how he could possibly be unhappy. As long as he comes back into my dwellings, he’s free to be dreary on the beach. Out of site out of nind Right?
I’m gonna Make you Love me
Not caring about the emotional toll thr repeated rape took on O, she kept him cooped up on her island. It’s almost as if she puts it in her mind that he loves her
I feel that Odysseus is now overcome by how perfect we are to gether. The crying has stopped, but the groans of unhappiness continue as lonfg as we are together. He’s become so attached to me that he can barely stand to be away from me! It must be that was longing for before must be draining in my presnence. I know he loves me , and ejoys all we do, but I wonder why he doesn;t show it.
Stockholm Syndrome
When O decides to go, she questions him on why he would leave her more a …show more content…

I love Odysseus the way a mother loves their child. I want the best for him, I really do, but he can’t seem to understand it. I am the best he can ever have, zI’m stooping below myself to mingle with a mortal but love has taken over. If only there were a way to negotiate with Zeus, to make him stay and protet him from the harsh journey ahea. At this point all that I can do is say my goodbyes and pray to Zeus for his wellbeing. It’s not everyday that a handsome, naive mortal lands on my island> I truly beleive that our meeting was a sign from the gods for us to be together, but alas, Odysseus chose the other option, the one cutting my out of his life forever. Now as I stande here, gathering whatever I can to Help him, I realiza that maybe he was

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