
J Alfred Prufrock

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The Story Found in a Poem by T. S. Elliot A poem is a form of writing that tells a story through similar images and emotions. The poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T. S. Elliot is a story that has been translated many different ways. The images used throughout this poem can be separated into three main ideas that serve as a progression of thought all leading to the final realisation that is shown to us at the end. Each section has an overall theme that starts to slowly progress into the next section and these ideas help to form the story of Prufrock. Within the first few lines of the poem the idea of being stuck is translated into images through the words “etherised” (3) and “against” (2). At first this idea of being stuck …show more content…

Around the beginning of this section Prufrock says “I should have been a pair of ragged claws / Scuttling across the floors of silent seas” (73-74). Through this scene we see that Prufrock wishes he would have been something else or done something different with his life. After this scene he reverts back to something seen in the first section, which is planning. “I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker, / And I have seen the eternal footman hold my coat, and snicker, / And in short, I was afraid” (84-86), Prufrock finally fully admits his fear in this line and it shows just how afraid he is. These lines add emphasis to what is already said, he has planned so much that he saw his death and that is the true source of his fear and want to change. All of his life has been this perfect image and he is starting to wonder “ Would it have been worth while, / To have bitten off the matter with a smile, / To have squeezed the universe into a ball / To roll it towards some overwhelming question,” (90-93). We can see through these lines that Prufrock’s previous life was a simple one, and that he now wants to know what it would be like to ask the really hard questions about life that might not have answers. He want to go against what is said and be brave enough to question what all consider as the truth. Prufrock …show more content…

The first line as a whole ties back to the very beginning of the poem. The sea is something that is thought of has always been there and is very large. The idea of lingering also goes back to the beginning with the idea of being stuck and wandering in one place. So overall the first line is a summary of what happened in the first section of the poem with the ideas of the past and being stuck in one place. The next line talks about sea girls and seaweed. One is seen as something that is beautiful yet they are covered in something that people consider gross and ugly. These sea girls represent Prufrock and who he really is, while the seaweed represents his life of lies that he has built and lives in. This line ties to the second section through the idea of hiding something of importance with something that is wrong because of fear of what others will think. The last and final line of this poem represents Prufrock’s final realisation and conclusion that he has come to. This realisation is that the truth matters. All of what was said in the previous lines of the poem about beauty and perfectness are all a dream that we don’t ever want to wake up from. The human voices here represent the truth and what really is there. When we begin

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