
Jack Weatherford's Genghis Khan And The Making Of The Modern World

Decent Essays

Inioluwa Ojediran
World History K
13 December 2017
Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World Essay
Jack Weatherford’s Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World provides a refreshing and insightful perspective on the Mongol Empire and their impact on history. Weatherford ardently dispels stereotypes often associated with Genghis Khan and the Mongols while highlighting their significant achievements that immensely induced them and the modern world. As Weatherford explained the history of Temujin, I found myself admiring how he overcame various hardships and created a destiny for himself. He not only created an empire, “he built a new and unique system based on individual merit, loyalty, and achievement.” (Weatherford xix)
In this book, Jack Weatherford starts by portraying Temujin and the numerous hardships he faced as a young boy, from his father’s death and Temujin’s upcoming rivalry with the Tatars to his sudden responsibility for his family following his half-brother’s murder. Weatherford then went on to explain the inception and evolvement of Genghis Khan and the Mongolian Empire. Subsequently, he illustrates the positive influences the Mongol Empire had over countries they gained control of ranging from advances in cultural communication to expansions in trade and religious freedom. In the final analysis, the story follows the Mongol Empire and the descendants of Genghis Khan following his death. Weatherford shows the different types of rulers the

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