
Jainism Is An Environmentally Responsible Way Of Life

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Mahavira said, "All of life is just like me. I want to live. So do all souls, all living beings. The instinct of self-preservation is universal. Every animate being clings to life and fears death. Each of us wants to be free from pain. So let me carry out all of my activities with great care not to be harmful to any living being"(as cited in Rosenfield & Segall). Jainism is an ecologically responsible way of life, which is non violent in thoughts, actions, and deeds (Pecorino, 2001). The heart of Jainism is to live and practice ahimsa. This is the action by which all actions are judged (ahimsa|, 2015). The Golden Rule, if you will. The Jain’s believe that life is eternal. That all living souls have the potential of attaining enlightenment and immortality (Raghuram, 2004). If you interrupt the spiritual progress or jiva of an insect, animal, plant or person, you will incur karma (ahimsa |, 2015). Your karma will affect your samsara, and will determine your next incarnation. The purpose in one’s life is to attain liberation from the samsara cycle. Why are we drawn to the many different facets of violence that we experience in our lives? Is violence a learned behavior or has it become a part of our evolutionary progression. As hunters and gatherers, we used violence for survival. Now, it seems that humans react with violence to resolve multiple types of conflict. Is it just primal instinct? Does our subconscious ‘fight or flight’ control the way

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