
Jamaica Kincaid Girl Essay

Decent Essays

John Wayne once said, "They have the right to work wherever they want to -- as long as they have dinner ready when you get home." As sexist as this quote is towards women, it certainly reveals how demeaning society was towards women, as this concept was instilled in countless women for generations. As women for numerous years were raised on the idea that one should stay at home and cook and clean for their husbands and children. I noticed this similar notion when I read Jamaica Kincaid story, “Girl.” As Kincaid expresses, what I believe is almost a handbook on how to correctly be a girl. Kincaid story makes the reader believe that someone is preaching to them on how, and what to do correctly in order to prosper at being a girl. However, Kincaid’s …show more content…

I also discovered how differently I was raised, and how controlled I truly was. As we conversed in class about how several of us were bestowed a particular list of guidelines that controlled our lives. Similar to the list provided in “girl” on how to be a woman. Since many of our parents controlled our life plans by given each of us a list. In an attempt to guide each of us down the right path. Making sure we achieved their idea of success in life. However, I was astounded to learn after discussing in class not everyone was giving similar lists. Since many of the norms that I thought others were raised on as well where not universal. For example, since I was a little girl my mother preached to myself that I must go to college and major in a successful career. Since I will need a well-paying occupation if I plan to support myself and a family later in life. I was also told to never get pregnant early and only start a family later in life. It amazed me how diverse our class was because many of our lists varied greatly. As some were raised on the idea to start a family early and put their career second. It made me really appreciate how diverse each student was. Nonetheless, it proves that we are all given lists just like in “girl” by Jamaica Kincaid that controls

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