
James Behavior

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In scenario two, James’ behavior is extremely disruptive to the classroom, interrupts the learning of others and creates an ineffective teacher role. The fact that James’ anger causes him to shout obscene language at other students is an obvious distraction to the classroom as a whole. His frequent outbursts and refusal to participate in classroom assignments is not only harmful to his own academic performance, but also to the rest of the classroom including the teacher because it fragments the learning environment and causes academic delivery to disintegrate and the teacher’s instruction to become ineffective. His angry outbursts negatively affect the teacher’s ability to deliver the classroom content adequately. James’ behavior …show more content…

One possible intervention is an environmental adjustment. An environment adjustment is a change made to some aspect of the student’s environment to improve behavior (Kern & Clemens, 2007). It is obvious that the proximity of Liz wandering around the classroom is contributing to James’ disruptive behavior. By moving Liz’s seat to the other side of the room, she will not be as much of a distraction to James. The teacher may also have Liz be the record keeper by having her keep up with absences, lunch counts and other data on the teacher’s computer. Another possible intervention is to use defusing techniques. Defusing techniques are actions that teachers take to calm a student or defuse a situation that has the potential for confrontation or emotional escalation (Daly & Sterba, 2011). An example of this would be to temporarily remove the journal assignment from James and have him sit in a quiet corner of the room to calm himself. Other specific interventions for James may be based on the practices of differentiated learning instruction which focus on process, product, content and environment (Tomlinson, 2003). The teacher may assign James an alternative product, perhaps a shorter assignment, set him up an area away from the other students with his own laptop or tablet, a more comfortable desk, low lighting and a screen to provide

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