
Analysis Of The Book ' Jayson Payne '

Good Essays

Student Name: Jayson Payne
Current Age: 10
Grade: 6

Narrative Jayson Payne is a ten-year- old student in the sixth grade, he is currently the younger of his siblings. He has a sister named Matilda, who recently graduated from the middle school he currently attends this past June. Jayson has high expectations to follow, his sister was a well-known student, and however Jayson exhibits the opposite behavior. Jayson Payne currently lives with his mother, grandmother and sister. The primary language spoken in their home is English. In school, Jayson is very respectable towards his teachers and other adults and he is a very sweet young man. Although, he struggles to maintain relationships with his peers and has outbursts often in class. Socially he becomes frustrated easily, which affects his ability to engage and interact with his peers. During class, he has expressed extreme angry towards his peers and an uncontrollable emotion. He is continuously plagued by his unsettling and hostile behavior, which causes him to act irrationally. His inability to cope and manage his behavior during classroom instruction results in breaking the classroom rules. For example, in the classroom Jayson yells out he is not doing his daily classwork. Then, he rips up the daily worksheet and storms out of the classroom. Another example, in class he is constantly reminded not to call out if he would like to share- out. Due to his “behavioral and emotional”

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