
Functional Behavior Assessment A Behavior Intervention Plan

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Introduction Under Functional Behavior Assessment a Behavior intervention plan or a “BIP” is a detailed outline designed for a specific behavior that a child may be experiencing. The detailed outlined is used to change the behavior of concern examples are off-task behaviors meaning; drawing when the child is supposed to be working on an academic task or oppositional behaviors meaning; child often argues with adults or people in authority. There are many reasons a child should have a BIP. One reason is to reduce problem behaviors so that a child may learn to the best of his/her ability and another is to keep themselves and others safe in the environment that they are in. For this behavioral assessment I have chosen scenario # 1. “A third grade student in a public elementary school has been referred for behavior problems continuously for the past three months. This student is demonstrating consistently disruptive behaviors in this classroom and in other settings within the school (lunch, recess, specials, etc.). Disruptive behaviors have been termed “aggressive” and “non-compliant” by school staff.” Kyle entered the Vanderbilt Elementary School in the third grade. He has had a great deal of managing and regulating his behavior, cooperating with teachers directives, and maintaining appropriate behaviors at various locations and times of the school day (lunch, recess, specials, etc.) for the past three months. Not only does his behavior interfere with his own learning

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