
James F. Lincoln Electric Company 's Culture

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A company’s culture is inevitably tied to the personality, background, and values of its founders. The way these people want to do business determines the organisation’s rules, the structural set up, and the people they hire” (, 2016). Looking at the influence James F. Lincoln had on the Lincoln Electric Company, it is clear the things he implemented decades ago, continue to be part of the Lincoln Electric Company’s culture. Although he died in 1965, the organisational culture he established regarding shared assumptions, values, and beliefs are still evident today. His founding philosophy was broken down in to four areas. The first is the company’s attitude towards the customer; Lincoln said, “When any company has achieved success so that it is attractive as an investment, all money usually needed for expansion is supplied by the customer in retained earnings. It is obvious that the customer 's interests, not the stockholder 's, should come first” (Lincoln. J. 1961). The current President, Mr Willis, still ranks the customer as Lincoln 's most important constituency (Sharplin. A. 1985). The second area is the attitude toward Stockholders. Lincoln 's philosophy was, "the last group to be considered is the stockholders who own stock because they think it will be more profitable than investing money in other ways. The absentee stockholders will get their share out of the greatly increased profit that the efficiency produces” (Lincoln. J. 1961). While Lincoln

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