On July 20, 2012 James Holmes enter a theater in Aurora Colorado and shot and killed 12 people. Attorneys tested Holmes and called for a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist stated that Holmes was so crazy that he could not distinguish what’s right and what’s wrong during the period he committed the crime. Dr Jonathan Woodcock interviewed Holmes during the time he was in jail on July 24 just four days after the shooting occurred for two hours duration. Holmes’s testimony drew questions from prosecutors that doubted his analyzation of Holmes being severe delusional during the mass shooting. Doctor claimed that they found Holmes suffering from severe mental illness and because of that it made him act violently. Holmes thought that if he snitch and went on and told the public of attempting to kill strangers he would be obligated to pay for the consequences. Doctors testified that one of Holmes delusion was to go out and do what he had to do. Woodcock was a witness by the defense to purpose the idea that Holmes was indeed crazy the moment he was shot people dead. Before the shooting occurred Holmes had already symptoms of mental illness disorder which made him anxious and stress and committed the crime. In differ to Woodcock ‘s finding the court had appointed psychiatrist who had examined Holmes prior to the shootings and after the shootings. They found out the Holmes was mentally ill but had capability of what’s rights and what 's wrong. Even if Holmes had capability of his
Larson uses extreme detail to make the reader fully understand the evil in Holmes and gain a grasp of Holmes’s mind and inner thoughts. Holmes “admitted to killing 27 people” however, there is no proven number. He at least murdered 9 people but estimates range as high as 200.This means that his violence was not limited to a certain number of people there is a high range of doubt to who died by Holmes’s hand . Next we see the distortion within holmes. He describes himself as “ believing that he is resembling the devil” this further adds to his earlier point of him being “born with the devil inside him”.(109)This further proves the issues holmes has mentally.
The facts of the case are very clear and evident that James Holmes should have been sentenced to life in prison or preferably the death sentence. In many states throughout the United States the death penalty is not enforced. The death penalty is a controversy that has been going on in the United States for a very long time. Thirty-one states in the United States favor the death penalty. Colorado is one of those states. There were many clinical psychology issues that were involved in this case. Since Mr. Holmes pleaded insanity. The clinical psychologist has the client as the patient in a trial so confidentiality cannot be breached. A clinical psychologist in this case would have to use their knowledge of mental illness and then they would make a decision as to if their client, in this case, Mr.Holmes, was insane as he pleaded or if they thought he was in the right state of mind. Insanity as defined in the Forensic and Legal Psychology book states that insanity refers to the criminal’s state of mind in the time the crime was committed. Insanity requires that, due to a mental illness, a defendant lacks moral responsibility and culpability for their crime, and
Although Holmes’ actions spooked many of the people close to his crimes as well as many who had heard of them, possibly the most unsettling things about Holmes was
On July 20, 2012, a major tragedy happened in Aurora Colorado during a midnight screening of the film The Dark Knight Rises. James Holmes willingly without showing no remorse entered the movie theater Century 16 at Town Center. He was resembling the Joker with red hair wearing a gas mask and body armor murdering 12 people and wounding 70 people. A jury found Holmes guilty on 24 counts of first degree murder, two counts for each of the 12 victims. Also, he was found guilty of 140 counts of attempted murder for the 70 people wounded (Biography, 2016). James Holmes’ life, upbringing, and behavior preceding the massacre, the significance of the case from a behavioral and security management perspective, the response time by the theater staff and law enforcement, the legal and ethical considerations in this incident and what learning outcomes are relevant to this case study will be some of the highlights covered in this case analysis.
Oliver Wendell Holmes went on to rebut each of Hahnemann’s “delusions” in seventy-four pages but, his words notwithstanding, by the late 19th century almost ten thousand healers practiced homeopathic medicine, 10% of all doctors nationwide. Its popularity was greatest among the country’s influential and wealthy, and why not? After all, it was gentle and seemed to be based on scientific sounding principles. Moreover, homeopaths encouraged such common sense activities as eating well, exercising vigorously, fresh air and sunshine while orthodox physicians spent their time promoting bleeding and purging. To defend against incursions by economic competitors, in 1847 the “regulars” (including Holmes) formed the American Medical Association which promptly banned members from
“Looking at mass shooting in America, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold stands out in their background and motives. Unlike Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, or James Holmes at a movie theater in Colorado, or Jared Loughner outside an Arizona shopping center, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold did not have discernable psychiatric diagnoses” (Sancier,2014).
In differ to Woodcock‘s finding the court had appointed psychiatrist who had examined Holmes prior to the shootings and after the shootings. They found out the Holmes was mentally ill but had capability of what’s rights and what 's wrong. Even if Holmes had capability
The book discusses how people are suspicious of Holmes before his arrest and how these revelations merely confirm their suspicions. As evidence of Holmes’ murders continues to grow, Holmes continues to stay calm while in jail in Philadelphia; admitting only to insurance fraud and denying killing anyone (Benzkofer). Even though evidence produces irrefutable proof that Holmes is a killer, Holmes continues to be a liar and attempts to manipulate people into thinking he is innocent. However, evidence piles up against Holmes that proves he is actually a killer instead of the innocent person he is believed to
When people think of an “illness” they typically don’t automatically think of mental illness. They think about HIV, cancer, or even a cold or flu. However when it comes to mental illness it is a whole different idea. But is mental illness even real? Addressed in the book, The Myth of Mental Illness (1961), a psychiatrist Thomas Szasz argues that the idea of classifying psychological and emotional difficulties as “illnesses” takes away sense of control. Instead of holding people personally and morally responsible for their actions, he states, doctors attempt to “treat” the person, often with medications. Diagnosing mental illness, on the other hand, argue that mental disorders are as real as physical diseases and diagnosing them allows people
James Eagan Holmes, a 26 year old male from San Diego California, is the accused perpetrator of a mass shooting that killed 12 and murdered 70 people at a Century movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, on July 20, 2012 during the midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises (Wikipedia, n.d.) On March 12, 2013, a Colorado judge entered a plea of not guilty when Holmes’s attorney
In early American history, individuals with mental illnesses have been neglected and suffered inhuman treatments. Some were beaten, lobotomized, sterilized, restrained, in addition to other kinds of abuse. Mental illness was thought to be the cause of supernatural dreadful curse from the Gods or a demonic possession. Trepanning (the opening of the skull) is the earliest known treatment for individuals with mental illness. This practice was believed to release evil spirits (Kemp, 2007). Laws were passed giving power to take custody over the mentally ill including selling their possessions and properties and be imprisoned (Kofman, 2012). The first psychiatric hospital in the U.S. was the Pennsylvania Hospital where mentally ill patients were left in cold basements because they were considered not affected by cold or hot environments and restraint with iron shackles. They were put on display like zoo animals to the public for sell by the doctors (Kofmen, 2012). These individuals were punished and isolated and kept far out of the eyes of society, hidden as if they did not exist. They were either maintained by living with their families and considered a source of embarrassment or institutionalized
During the time of the shooting, Holmes was using two psychiatric drugs. It is stated in the book that “Drugs distort individual’s thoughts, which enhances irrational
Through the course of time, mental illnesses have always been in existence due to varying factors and causes. However, as time has passed, the perceptions and available treatments for mental illnesses have also changed as new technology was developed. By looking at the treatments and perceptions of mental illnesses in the early 20th century, we can learn how to properly treat and diagnose not only mental disorders but also other conditions as well as show us the importance of review boards and controlled clinical trials.
Once again the definition of insane; “mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, cannot conduct her/his affairs due to psychosis”. I want the jury keep this in the back of their heads as we go through this case as we have found compelling evidence that she knew what she was doing. First I shall prove to you, the jury, that Maloney knew the consequences of killing her husband. After Mary Maloney admitted having murdered her husband,
Review of Thomas Szasz. M.D.,The Myth Of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct.