
Japanese Education vs American Education

Good Essays

Analysis of Japanese Business Culture

Along with recent globalization, the business market is now diffused everywhere in the world. Consequently, mega-competition and international co-operation are promoted simultaneously in the field of business. Under this circumstance, learning and understanding the business culture each country has is important to succeed in global business. As business culture is indivisible from a country’s cultural uniqueness, American-style business is formed in the United States, and British-style business is adopted in England. Equally, Japan has developed its own unique business culture which has been practiced for a long time. This essay will analyze the characteristic Japanese business culture …show more content…

For instance, in order to shift from a totally unknown relationship to a familiar relationship, most Japanese salesman tend to have many short visits with an exchange of only few words, without talking about their products and services. It is important for Japanese businessmen to create intimacy with clients in an indirect way. Moreover, after the familiarity relationship is established, it is necessary to maintain this relationship by bringing gifts on every visit, sending special summer gift (chugen) and year-end gift (seibo), and exchanging the massive cards, such as summer cards, new year’s cards and sympathy cards. Japanese business deals depend largely on the personal acquaintance rather than the profit arithmetic.

As described previously, there are some unique customs in
Japanese-style business. However, the characteristic of Japanese business culture which is even now ingrained has come under criticism.
Clark, Professor of Economics at University of California argued that
Japanese society was an anachronism that did not lose its ancient tribal character until quite recently, for which reason the Japanese people have been able to maintain their groupistic value orientation up to the present. (Okada, 1984) Actually, Japanese companies which consistently observe their traditional business practices are now under intense pressure to meet international management standards. It is pointed out that the Japanese business culture has some

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