
Jason Alveral Pettigrew: The Characteristics Of My Family

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Many families in today’s society have a wide range of characteristics. With each family member adding their own personal touch to the overall family picture, you find the most unique families. The options of family styles are endless. There are the hipster style families, the musically talented, high society,and plain old farming families. With every member adding their own touch,my family may have a little bit of each style. Our family differs from a farm boy dad, ditzy mom, and an inspiring sister; all of these characteristics make our family one of a kind.

Beginning with the man that started this all, seems like the the best way to start my family album. Meet Jason Alveral Pettigrew, the man that makes things happen. Jason is a man of many words, jokes, and ambitious dreams. He is quite the fellow. Growing up on a farm he was taught to be a gentleman and a hard worker at the least. His work ethic is one of immense self discipline. His employment, SDI, is very rigorous with its work schedule and tasks.Never once have I ever heard my dad complain of his work environment. Instead he will state that now since he works in a 100 degree or hotter environment he is able to work through the …show more content…

Well with mine, it’s a little difficult to not mention her at least a few times in my family album. Meet Morgan Kristine Pettigrew, my partner in crime and often my cuddle buddy. Growing up with Morgan was always an adventure. While i was the scared and more held back spirit Morgan had the spirit of a wild thang. She was the troublemaker that always made me tag along. You could say she corrupted me but that would be too harsh. Morgan is helped me figure out who I was. BY watching her move out at a young age because of her sense of stubborn independence I learned what it was like to truly be by yourself. She is my counsellor as well as I hers. Morgan is a sister that deserves at least two pages in my family

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