
Jeffrey Dahmer: Serial Murderer

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Serial murderer Jeffrey Dahmer was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on May 21, 1960, parents of Lionel and Joyce Dahmer. He was portrayed as a lively and upbeat kid until the age of 4, when surgery to correct a double hernia seemed to effect a change in the boy. He became increasingly withdrawn following the birth of his younger brother and the family's frequent moves. By his early teens, he was in tense and largely friendless. Dahmer claims that his compulsions toward necrophilia and murder started when he was 14 years old, but it appears that the breakdown of his parents marriage and their divorce a few years later may have been the turning points for turning the thoughts into action.
The summer after high school in June 1978, Dahmer picked …show more content…

His defense counsel argued that he needed treatment, not to be locked up and the judge agreed, giving up a one year prison sentence to a "day release" letting Dahmer to go to work at his job during the day and return to the prison at night as well as a five year probationary sentence. However, Dahmer was giving an early release by the judge after only doing 10 months of his sentence. Before moving back into his own apartment, Dahmer's kills grew over that same year, with 12 more lives taken in the same way as his previous victims. He developed rituals as he did it more and more, experimenting with chemical and sometimes eating the flesh of his victims. He was careful to select victims who were often borderline criminal, making their disappearances less …show more content…

When the officers went to go check out Dahmer they spotted a few Polaroid photos of bodies taken apart and Dahmer was arrested.When the apartment was fully searched they found photo albums full of pictures of body parts, several heads were in the refrigerator and freezer, and two skulls were on top of the computer. There was also evidence to suggest that Dahmer had been eating some of his victims. Dahmer later confessed to 17 murders all dating back to his first victim in 1978. The jury rejected Dahmer’s insanity defense, and he was sentenced to 15 to life sentence. He was killed by another inmate on November 28,

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