
Jem Finch In To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

Jem Finch is a character who is prominent in the development of the story yet is not the main character. He is there while Scout grows up, changing rapidly throughout their experiences. Jem closely resembles his father in attitude after he learns how unfair life can really be (in the trial of Tom Robinson). Both Scout and Jem have a similar naive set mind in the beginning, but as Jem grows he thinks to be far superior than his younger sibling. The author in “To Kill a Mockingbird” shows quite expertly how a young child's mind develops.

Jem grew up with his father, younger sister, and very briefly with his mother in his early years. When Jem turns twelve he starts acting strangely, getting moody and not acting like his level-headed self. Infuriated, Jem did not begin to calm down until he had cut the tops off of every camellia bush Mrs. Dubose owned, until the ground was littered with green buds and leaves (Harper Lee, 106). Much to Scout’s confusion Jem no longer wants to play in the tree house, and he begins to tell Scout off and eat like an animal. His appetite was appalling, and he told me so many times to stop pestering him I consulted Atticus: “Reckon he’s got a tapeworm?” Atticus said no, Jem was growing (Harper Lee, 116). Jem becomes more isolated, and is beginning to be viewed as more mature in not only the eyes of his peers but also the eyes of adults as well. Scout is …show more content…

While even Scout grows throughout the story she does not have huge changes. For the most part the characters in “To Kill a Mockingbird” have constant personalities. Many may even relate to Jem and his changing attitude through the story, his high and mighty idea of himself. Although some may not, instead scoffing at the young boy's behavior. One can only imagine what was going through Jems head as he aged, the period of time in which he was slowly maturing is a tough time in every childs

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