In this class the thing I liked the most was the jeopardy power points. Using the power points made it more fun to learn because it was interactive and I could use rewards when a jeopardy question was answered right. The thing that I liked the least was how under course materials it is setup as weeks because I lose track of what week it was very fast. I can apply what I have learned in this class in my personal life by being careful and thinking about what the food that i put into my body can due along with what could happen if I have too much or too little vitamins in my body. I can not think of a way to apply the knowledge I learned to the career I want in Human Resources besides thinking about applying the knowledge to pack a healthy lunch
This course has been an eye opening and thought provoking experience for me. I completely underestimated this course when I first enrolled. Reading the description I thought it would be a simple class on business ethics, focusing on the ways to do things in a professional manner. I could not have been more wrong. When I go to any type of training I ask myself what I took away from the experience. Before I get into the actual course and what I enjoyed about that, I first must say they the instructor staff was by far the most impressive. Like many of my fellow classmates I am a working adult with children one of the biggest fears I have about a web based course is that the flow of instruction is going to be difficult
Reading over the outcomes and objectives, how will the skills developed in this class apply to your chosen career or field of study? If you are “undecided,” how will these skills help you in your future in college and in general?
I liked everything about this course. The seminars, study plans, and the weekly discussions help
Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales offers the reader an insight into our past, providing vivid glimpses into the 14th century's social structure, and into the personalities, lives, and ethics of twenty-eight members of that society drawn together to travel on a pilgrimage. The General Prologue to the Tales deals primarily with introducing these people to us, providing physical descriptions and character outlines of virtually each pilgrim; it is a tribute to Chaucer's skill that his descriptions (as filtered through the neurotically happy narrator) succeeds in creating such lively characters out of what are, essential, two-dimensional stereotypes from his era.
Every day in America an average of 93 are killed people due to gun violence. One of the biggest concerns today in American policy is gun control. This is a very controversial and complicated topic for both pro-gun and anti-gun supporters. American policy makers need to make it harder for the wrong people to obtain firearms and the fact that Second Amendment and gun control can co-exist. Mental illness constantly emerges in relation to mass shootings and shooters a like, as well as day to day homicides and suicides. America doesn’t necessarily have more crime then other developed countries the crime is just much more lethal. Right-wing Republicans constantly use the Second Amendment as shield to use firearms, the fact is the document is
The most valuable thing that I have learned from this class is about survival for the next 5 or 10 years. Because I want to earn great value of staying in the job longer that being terminated or laid off. I have been praying to God dues to my ages that I have come a long way to find better resources and material to help me achieve better mentoring attitudes, behavior and
Think about your repetitive day-to-day tasks such as emails you have to answer or preparing a meal for yourself and/or loved ones day in-and-day-out. By the end of this course you would have freed yourself from neededing to do a great deal of these tasks yourself. You will make a list of these day-to-day tasks and have either but them on auto-mode (such as emails) or got someones else to do them for you (such as meal prep).
I would have to say that the biggest takeaway from this class, was how I learned how to improve my time management. I have to admit that I'm still not the best at handling time, but I'm better then then when I started this class. This class has also helped me not just in the classroom, but in the workforce also. I
Before taking this course I was really excited about what I am going to learn. And I was right! This course is not only interesting but it is also helpful. I have learned that the grade I am having right now is the reflection of my try throughout the entire semester.
Other classes that I have taken at the University of Phoenix that I believe has helped me with my professional career is the class of critical thinking and communication skills for career growth. I am currently working for Blue Cross Blue Shield, and I handle large employee group’s customer service. Every day I am working with the employee’s and provider that have rendered service to these employee’s. Knowing how to communicate and take control of the conversation is a key element in being successful. These employee’s usually on a war path when they call due to claims being denied. Having the skills to communicate and claim them down is the way to have the call end successful.
When I first heard about this class, I was an open major at the time, and was looking into Public Health, specifically community and behavior heath, or Health and Human Physiology. I’ve always been interested in health and in all the health classes I’ve taken in the past. I was into all the health problems that some family members of mine have and I wanted to know how to help them, through prevention, or just simply informing them about certain disorders and diseases. I took a class last semester, called Health for Living, and it was an interesting class and opened my eyes more to health issues and how most of them are preventable. That class didn’t help me enough to decide so, I hoped that taking this class might help me a bit more. Last spring when I saw that Fundamentals of Public Health was a course I could take, I signed up right away. I always knew I wanted to help people when I was older, but didn’t know how I was going to do that. I was hoping that if I signed up for this health class, maybe it would give me more insight on some careers in the public health field.
The last thing I learned in this class was checking your e-mail frequently. This was the case when I was not dressed for the professional development day. If only I would have checked my e-mail the night before, I wouldn’t have miss information so critical to dress attire. The lessons that this class has taught have been very thorough. With so much going on in this semester, being able to find a balance was very important to me. Utilizing every resource that you can. Learning to accept that disappointment comes from not properly preparing & that your fate is really in your
Looking back on the course, GEB3213 – Advanced Communication in Business, I have learned and implemented how to work in a team scenario as well as improved my individual writing skills. I believe that my biggest lesson learned was writing my resume. My current resume was one that I have been using for quite a while so it was very mediocre. By improving my resume based off of what I learned in this class, it now sounds more professional and clear. My favorite assignment throughout this course was the Industry Profile Report. I want to specialize in long-term care, so to dig deeper into a company that specializes in the elderly or needy adults was very intriguing.
There is a lot of things that I have learned about myself in the past few weeks of this course. I have learned many things about myself that I would have never known if it was not for this course. I have learned about my; self concept, attitudes and feelings. I have also learned about social influence, group dynamics and relationships. I learned about myself and how to describe the way that I am and the way that I think.
According to Maschi et al. (2009), social workers need to capitalize on the effectiveness of their practice with youth by providing skills and knowledge for practice that interconnects with the juvenile justice system. It is fundamental for social workers to understand how the legal system operates, characterizes juvenile delinquency, and categorizes juvenile crime. It is important for social workers to collaborate with the juvenile justice system so that effective mental health services for offenders are being offered. Also, social workers can assist with developing effective programs for the youth to reduce reentry and recidivism in the juvenile system.