
Jetblue Airlines : The Biggest Airline

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According to Fortune 500 (2015), Delta airlines is the largest airline in the world today and is able to fly to 567 worldwide destinations in over 100 countries. Delta airlines owns and operates its own reservations system and data and they give the employees stock in the company with profit sharing and stock ownership. One weakness of Delta airlines is the relying on it 's much older refurbished airplanes. Since oil prices are low they are able to save on costs but that could change if they oil prices increase again. US Airways has merged with American Airlines and the two have since become the world 's largest airline but both have since faced losses since the 2008-2009 economic crisis. US Airways has also had poor customer service …show more content…

There also could be a decline in leisure time travel due to the terrorism that took place on 9/11. A dejected economy can also have an adverse effect on travel. New government regulations could also make air travel more costly since there are not very many areas that an airline can reduce its costs so they would have to increase prices. Technology is taking a step forward via ticketing and Southwest airlines allows passengers to check in online up to 24 hours in advance. Southwest Airlines differentiates itself from its competitors by its marketing communications as the only low-fare, short haul, high frequency, point to point carrier in America that is "fun" to fly (YouSigma, 2008). Southwest 's promotion starts with understanding what the customer wants and then translating it into meaningful services and products. Because Southwest is intuitive to its customers needs, it helps instill the brand and the commitment. Southwest airlines employs the most basic form of price competition by running ads that encourage potential customers to visit their website for the best online deals (YouSigma, 2008).

Marketing Strategy
• Southwest employs a qualified and extremely skilled management team. This airline has the financial stability and solid understanding of the aviation business. Not only are its customers a vital cog of the organization 's success but also its employees. Each employee is familiar

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